SIHGA Pick Max
Lastaufnahmemittel Pick Max
von Sihga für Holzbauelemente
With the new Pick Max load handling device from Sihga, even heavy components can be lifted. With a payload of 2,400 kilograms per attachment point, it can be used to lift elements made of cross-laminated timber, glulam and solid wood. Simple and safe use and useful accessories in a practical case complete the system.
Safe loading, unloading and moving on the construction site is particularly important for wooden construction elements. This is because the components usually have a high weight, which places special demands on the load handling device. With this in mind, the experts at Sihga have now developed the Pick Max. The system is especially suitable for picking up loads of cross laminated timber, glulam and solid wood, because due to its maximum payload of 2,400 kilograms per slinging point, even heavy components are no problem.
Safe and easy to use
Developed in Austria, the patented Pick Max load handling device, made of high-quality steel, offers lasting quality and reliability. All that is required to safely pick up the component is to drill a blind hole with a diameter of 50 and a depth of 140 millimeters. Since no fastening screws are required, the visual quality of the surface is not damaged. The accompanying Pick Max Drill HMB ensures an exact drilling depth when used. It also ensures that the drill hole axis is aligned at the required 90 degrees to the surface of the component. The component to be lifted must be at least 16 centimeters wide or thick. The drill can be combined with the IdeFix IBG drill bell. After drilling, the load handling attachment can be inserted into the cleaned drill hole, where it is wedged securely by lifting the load. To do this, the Pick Max must be guided into the drill hole up to the stop of the base ring. No alignment is necessary for the lifting process. A few simple steps are all that is needed. After fastening the shackle, the user can hook the load hook. Pick Max is versatile, as it is suitable for the face side or the panel and cross-beam side, and can be combined with cross beams of all types.
Quality in a case
Pick Max has a long service life of 16,000 load cycles and tested safety accompanied by TÜV. Annual testing together with personal protective equipment in accordance with the Work Equipment Ordinance is also possible. The load handling attachment is available in a practical system case, which in addition to two Pick Max also contains shackles, the matching drill bit including drill bell, a set of HMB replacement indexable inserts with screws, an Allen key and detailed operating instructions. The case also ensures dry and clean storage.
With the Pick Max system, Sihga GmbH from Gmunden in Upper Austria offers a new, safe load handling device for heavy timber construction elements, which convinces through easy handling. Further information is available to interested parties here: Pick Max
28 July 2023